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Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Full Crack adalah game Action yang sangat seru. Game ini merupakan versi terbaru dari seri game Dynasty Warriors. Pada Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires ini, kamu tidak hanya bertarung di medan perang saja, tapi kamu juga bisa mengatur strategi kerajaan kamu, pokoknya lebih seru dan menantang deh, hehe. Seperti pada Dynasty Warriors sebelumnya, kamu dapat menghajar dan membunuh ratusan hingga ribuan musuh. Game ini menceritakan perang 3 kerajaan yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Full CrackDynasty Warriors 8 Empires Full CrackDynasty Warriors 8 Empires Full CrackDynasty Warriors 8 Empires Full Crack
Download (Single Link) :
Download (1 GB / part) :
Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS : Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
  • Processor : Intel core 2 duo E6600 @2.4 Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 5000+ @2.6 Ghz
  • Graphic : Nvidia GeForce GT 8800 or Radeon HD 4670 @512 MB VRAM
  • Memory : 2 GB RAM or higher
  • HDD : 10 GB available space
  • DirectX: 9.0c


 mengenai VPN (virtual private network) di Cisco jadi penasaran sama salah satu protocol pengamanan dalam penggunaan VPN yaitu IPSec. Jadi apa sih IPSec?. Dikutip dari datatracker.ietf.org :
"The IP Security Protocol Working Group (IPSEC) will develop mechanisms to protect client protocols of IP. A security protocol in the network layer will be developed to provide cryptographic security services that will flexibly support combinations of authentication, integrity, access control, and confidentiality"
So? IPsec itu adalah sebuah protocol (aturan) yang digunakan untuk mentransmisikan sekaligus sebagai enkripsi data dalam komunikasi VPN. Kali ini saya lagi belajar pemakaian IPSec di Cisco, dan berikut adalah contoh topologi sederhana.

Dari gambar di atas dapat dilihat ada 3 router yang saya namai R2 dan R3 serta Cloud. Karena menggunakan jaringan simulasi jadi seolah-olah router yang berada di tengah itu diasumsikan adalah cloud/internet.
Ada beberapa step yang dilakukan untuk mengaktifkan komunikasi VPN yang dilapisi IPSec, antara lain :

Konfigurasi IP address
Konfigurasi IP address pada interface masing-masing router seperti gambar di atas, dan pastikan loopback pada router R2 bisa ping loopback router R3, bisa menggunakan dynamic routing atau statik routing karena sebagai catatan topologi di atas hanya sekedar simulasi.
Membuat session ISAKMP
Untuk membuat sebuah sesi komunikasi yang aman antara dua router dengan menggunakan IPSec, maka dibutuhkan sebuah framework protokol yang disebut ISAKMP/Oakley. (id.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_Security)
Berikut komponen ISAKMP untuk konfigurasi di router R2 dan R3 :

authentication : pre-share
encryption       : aes 256
group               : 5
hash                 : sha
lifetime             : 1800

Router R2

R2#configure terminal
R2(config)#crypto isakmp policy 5
R2(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share
R2(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256
R2(config-isakmp)#group 5
R2(config-isakmp)#hash sha
R2(config-isakmp)#lifetime 1800

Router R3  

R3#configure terminal
R3(config)#crypto isakmp policy 5
R3(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share
R3(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256
R3(config-isakmp)#group 5
R3(config-isakmp)#hash sha
R3(config-isakmp)#lifetime 1800

Menentukan pre-shared key
Pre-shared key ini adalah berupa kunci yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya digunakan untuk membuka komunikasi kedua node menggunakan protokol IPSec, contoh kali ini misal kata kuncinya adalah 'RAHASIA'.
Router R2

R2(config)#crypto isakmp key 0 RAHASIA address
Router R3

R3(config)#crypto isakmp key 0 RAHASIA address

Membuat trasnform set
Transform set merupakan kombinasi dari protokol sekuriti dan algoritma. Sewaktu IPSec melakukan negosiasi SA (Security Association), kedua peer harus menggunakan transform set yang sama untuk melindungi flow data. Contoh transform set saya beri nama JOIN.

Router R2

R2(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set JOIN esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac 

Router R3

R2(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set JOIN esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac 

Menentukan lifetime IPSec SA
Selanjutnya menentukan lama waktu SA sebelum menjadi expired.

Router R2 

R2(config)#crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 1800

Router R3

R2(config)#crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 1800 

Membuat access list
Pembuatan access list ini berfungsi untuk mengfilter network lokal yang diijinkan untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan protokol IPSec. Kemudian advertise access list tadi kedalam Crypto Map.

Router R2

R2(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R2(config)#crypto map MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
R2(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
R2(config-crypto-map)#set peer
R2(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set JOIN
R2(config-crypto-map)#set pfs group5
R2(config-crypto-map)#set security-association lifetime seconds 1800 

Router R3

R3(config)#access-list 100 permit ip
R3(config)#crypto map MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
R3(config-crypto-map)#match address 100
R3(config-crypto-map)#set peer
R3(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set JOIN
R3(config-crypto-map)#set pfs group5
R3(config-crypto-map)#set security-association lifetime seconds 1800
Mengaktifkan IPSec pada interface router 
Setelah semua konfigurasi IPSec dilakukan selanjutnya adalah mengaktifkanya pada interface router yang digunakan untuk komunikasi IPSec.

Router R2 

R2(config)#interface Fastethernet 0/0
R2(config-if)#crypto map MAP

Router R3 
R3(config)#interface Fastethernet 0/0
R3(config-if)#crypto map MAP

Cek IPSec
untuk melakukan cek konfigurasi IPsec sudah berjalan dengan baik lakukan test ping dengan source dari network lokal (loopback).

Router R3  

R3#ping source

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 36/39/40 ms

Lakukan beberapa perintah 'show' seperti berikut :

R3#show crypto ipsec transform-set 
Transform set JOIN: { esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac  }
   will negotiate = { Tunnel,  },

R3#show crypto map 
Crypto Map "MAP" 10 ipsec-isakmp
    Peer =
    Extended IP access list 100
        access-list 100 permit ip
    Current peer:
    Security association lifetime: 4608000 kilobytes/1800 seconds
    PFS (Y/N): Y
    DH group:  group5
    Transform sets={
    Interfaces using crypto map MAP:

R3#show crypto ipsec sa

interface: FastEthernet0/0
    Crypto map tag: MAP, local addr

   protected vrf: (none)
   local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
   remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
   current_peer port 500
     PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
    #pkts encaps: 4, #pkts encrypt: 4, #pkts digest: 4
    #pkts decaps: 4, #pkts decrypt: 4, #pkts verify: 4
    #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
    #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
    #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
    #send errors 1, #recv errors 0

     local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
     path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb FastEthernet0/0
     current outbound spi: 0x2045B818(541440024)

     inbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x20E57A35(551909941)
        transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
        in use settings ={Tunnel, }
        conn id: 2001, flow_id: SW:1, crypto map: MAP
        sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4529856/1296)
        IV size: 16 bytes
        replay detection support: Y
        Status: ACTIVE

     inbound ah sas:

     inbound pcp sas:

     outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x2045B818(541440024)
        transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
        in use settings ={Tunnel, }
        conn id: 2002, flow_id: SW:2, crypto map: MAP
        sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4529856/1295)
        IV size: 16 bytes
        replay detection support: Y
        Status: ACTIVE

     outbound ah sas:

     outbound pcp sas:

R3#show crypto isakmp sa
dst             src             state          conn-id slot status     QM_IDLE              1    0 ACTIVE

Cara men-Setup TL-WR700N/TL-WR702N sebagai Repeater

Aplikasi skenario
Informasi utama router (contoh):
  • LAN IP:
  • SSID (nama jaringan Wireless): TL-WR841ND
  • Nirkabel keamanan Mode: WPA-PSK
  • Enkripsi Type: AES
  • Passphrase: 12345678
  • Pastikan Router utama di Internet dan Anda mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan itu seperti di atas.
  • Karena modus default TL-WR700N/TL-WR702N AP, fungsi DHCP pada mereka dinonaktifkan secara default. Kita harus secara manual menetapkan alamat IP sebagai 192.168.0.X ke komputer untuk mencocokkan alamat IP default ( dari Repeater. Silahkan klik di sini untuk petunjuk rinci.
  • Sambungkan komputer ke TL-WR700N/TL-WR702N dengan kabel Ethernet.
Step1 mengubah modus bekerja untuk Repeater.
1. Menetapkan IP statis sebagai 192.168.0.X untuk komputer Anda . Jika Anda tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mengubahnya, silakan klik di sini.
2. Buka Internet Explorer dan ketik alamat IP akses titik (Default adalah ke address bar dan tekan Enter:
3. Ketik username dan password ke dalam kotak halaman login, default nama pengguna dan sandi yang kedua admin, kemudian tekan Enter:
4. Pada halaman manajemen, klik Bekerja Mode dan pilih Repeater mode. Kemudian Simpan. Klik OK untuk reboot.
Setelah reboot, halaman akan kembali. Jika tidak, silakan refresh halaman atau masukkan pada browser.
Step2 konfigurasi pada Repeater (AP 11n TP-LINK):
1. Pada halaman manajemen, klik jaringan. Pastikan alamat IP Repeater adalah dalam segmen IP yang sama dengan Router utama dan menghindari konflik IP. Apakah IP router utama juga, yang sama untuk repeater, kita harus mengubah IP repeater untuk "". Kemudian klik Simpan .
2. Klik Wireless - > pengaturan nirkabel. Kemudian klik survei .
3. Menemukan Router utama SSID (nama jaringan nirkabel Anda) pada daftar, dan kemudian klik Connect .
4. Halaman akan kembali Wireless Settings - > Repeater, dan SSID dan MAC AP akan diisi dengan informasi dari router utama.
Kemudian untuk Opsi keamanan dan Password, masukkan info yang sama sebagai router utama. Silakan konfirmasi opsi keamanan dan Password dari router utama. Di sini kita mengambil WPA-PSK sebagai contoh. Pilih WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, dan masukan password "12345678" di lapangan Password . Kemudian klik Simpan .
5. Maka akan ada pemberitahuan "perubahan konfigurasi nirkabel tidak akan efek sampai Router reboot, silakan klik di sini untuk reboot." Silahkan klik di sana dan pergi ke reboot repeater.
Setelah Anda pergi melalui semua langkah-langkah di atas, Repeater harus mendapatkan bekerja dengan benar dengan Router utama.
Jika komputer masih terhubung ke Repeater dengan kabel, Anda dapat memeriksa konektivitas dengan menggunakan Ping pada komputer. Klik Start - > Run, ketik cmd. Kemudian OK.
Pada jendela hitam, dimasukkan ke dalam: ping + ruang IP router utama. Di sini, kami menempatkan: ping
Anda mungkin mendapatkan "dikirim = 4, menerima = 4, Lost = 0", yang menunjukkan repeater bekerja dengan baik. Untuk mengaktifkan PC untuk mengakses Internet, mengubah alamat IP dari PC ke mendapatkan IP Address/DNS server secara otomatis.

Jika Ping tidak berhasil, periksa semua di atas pengaturan dengan hati-hati, atau hubungi TP-LINK mendukung bantuan.



1. Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.)
• A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loop.
• A modem terminates a digital local loop.
• A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loop.
• A modem terminates an analog local loop.
• A router is commonly considered a DTE device.

• A router is commonly considered a DCE device.
2. What value in the address field of a Frame Relay header identifies the destination of the frame?
• DE
3. The serial PPP link between the Left and Right routers is configured as shown in the diagram. Which configuration issue explains why the link is unable to establish a PPP session?
• The IP addresses must be on different subnets.
• The usernames are misconfigured.
• The passwords must be different for the CHAP authentication.
• The clock rate must be 56000.
• The clock rate is configured on the wrong end of the link.
• Interface serial 0/0 on Left must connect to interface serial 0/1 on Right.
4. The output of the show interfaces serial 0/0 command for a frame-relay connection indicates that the serial line is up but the line protocol is down. What are possible causes for this? (Choose two.)
• There is an LMI-type mismatch between the Frame Relay switch and the router.
• There is no clock present on the serial interface.
• The interface is shut down.
• RARP is not functioning on the router.
• The cable is disconnected.
5. Which statements are correct about the point in the network where the responsibility of the service provider ends? (Choose three.)
• The International point is on the customer side of the network terminating unit(NTU).
• The United States point is at the interface of the customer-provided equipment and the local loop.

• The responsibility for this point is controlled by IANA.
• The point is called the demarcation point.
• The point is typically located at the service provider’s central office.
• The point is located between the customer’s local area networks.
6. While prototyping an internetwork in the corporate lab, a network administrator is testing a serial link between serial 0/0 interfaces on two routers. The labels on the serial cable ends have been damaged and are unreadable. What command can be issued to determine which router is connected to the DCE cable end?
• show interfaces serial 0/0
• show version
• show controllers serial 0/0
• show protocols serial 0/0
• show status serial 0/0
7. A network technician determines DHCP clients are not working properly. The clients are receiving IP configuration information from a DHCP server configured on the router but cannot access the Internet. From the output in the graphic, what is the most likely problem?
• The DHCP server service is not enabled.
• The inside interface for DCHP is not defined.
• The DHCP pool is not bound to the interface.
• The pool does not have a default router defined for the clients.
• All the host addresses have been excluded from the DHCP pool.
8. A technician enters the interface serial 0/0.1 multipoint command when configuring a router. What effect will the multipoint keyword have in this configuration? (Choose two.)
• Split-horizon issues will need to be resolved for this network if RIP is the routing protocol.
• A subinterface will be defined for each PVC.
• All the participating interfaces of remote routers will be configured in the same subnet.
• A single DLCI will be used to define all the PVCs to the remote routers.
• An IP address will need to be configured on the main interface.
9. When configuring a Frame Relay connection, when should a static Frame Relay map be used? (Choose two.)
• when the remote router is a non-Cisco router
• when the remote router does not support Inverse ARP
• when the local router is using IOS Release 11.1 or earlier
• when broadcast traffic and multicast traffic over the PVC must be controlled
• when globally significant rather than locally significant DLCIs are being used
10. Which router command would be used to associate a Layer 2 address with the corresponding Layer 3 address in the internetwork in the diagram?
• RouterA(config-if)#frame-relay pvc 100
• RouterA(config-if)#dialer-map ip 100 broadcast
• RouterA(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 100 broadcast
• RouterA (config-if)#dialer-map 101 serial 0 broadcast
• RouterA (config-if)#frame-relay dlci 101 broadcast
• RouterA (config-if)#dialer-map inverse-arp broadcast
11. Which of the following ISDN protocols is responsible for call setup and call teardown?
• ITU-T Q.921
• ITU-T Q.931
• ITU-T I.430
• ITU-T I.431
12. What are two ways to resolve split-horizon issues in a Frame Relay network? (Choose two.)
• create a full-mesh topology
• disable Inverse ARP
• use point-to-point subinterfaces
• use multipoint subinterfaces
• remove the broadcast keyword from the frame-relay map command
13. What is the purpose of the command marked with an arrow shown in the partial configuration output of a Cisco 806 broadband router?
• defines which addresses are allowed out of the router
• defines which addresses are allowed into the router
• defines which addresses can be translated
• defines which addresses are assigned to a NAT pool
14. A system administrator is unable to ping the Serial0/0 interface of RouterB from RouterA. During the troubleshooting process, the following facts are established:
- IP addressing and subnet masks are correct.
- RouterA is a Cisco router and RouterB is a router from another vendor.
- RouterA is configured with the default encapsulation.
- The serial interfaces on both routers are up.
- The protocol is down on the serial interfaces of both routers.
What should the administrator do to solve the problem?
• Add a clock rate on RouterA.
• Enable the serial interface on RouterB.
• Change the encapsulation on both routers to PPP.
• Connect the serial cable to the correct interface on RouterB.
• Use the correct serial cable to attach the CSU/DSU to RouterB.
15. An ISDN circuit from a branch office is remaining connected to the regional office. A network administrator determines a user has initiated a continuous ping from a desktop computer to the regional office. Which configuration change would allow the ISDN circuit to disconnect during any attempts to ping, while otherwise functioning properly?
• change DDR from legacy to dialer profiles
• remove the dialer list statement from the configuration
• change the dialer list to exclude ICMP as interesting
• disable inverse ARP
16. Below is a list of DDR steps. Which of the following identifies the proper order of DDR?
1 - dial number is looked up
2 - interesting traffic triggers DDR
3 - route to destination is determined
4 - call is made
• 1,2,3,4
• 1,3,2,4
• 2,3,1,4
• 2,1,3,4
• 3,2,1,4
• 3,1,2,4
17. Which protocol should be chosen to support WAN connectivity in a multi-vendor system and provide strong security through authentication?
• NAT with DHCP
• Frame Relay
• HDLC with encryption
• HDLC with CHAP
• PPP with PAP
• PPP with CHAP
18. Which of the following are valid steps for a basic ISDN BRI configuration? (Choose two.)
• create subinterfaces
• define the LMI type
• set the SPIDs if required by the ISDN switch
• set the interface DLCI
• set the switch type
• specify the encapsulation as either Cisco or IETF
19. A branch office reports excessive connect time charges for an ISDN circuit used to connect to the regional office. Upon investigation of this issue, it is discovered that when an ISDN connection is initiated to the regional office it remains connected for an excessive amount of time. Which of the following configuration changes could be made to DDR on the router to reduce these connect time charges?
• use PPP multilink
• lower idle timer setting
• use CHAP authentication
• change DDR from legacy to dialer profiles
20. A network administrator is having difficulty in establishing a serial link between a Cisco router and a router from another vendor. Both routers are configured for HDLC encapsulation. Which statements are true regarding this configuration? (Choose two.)
• The Cisco HDLC frame uses a proprietary “Type” field that may not be compatible with equipment of other vendors.
• HDLC requires a clock rate to be configured on the routers at both ends of the serial link.
• PPP encapsulation is recommended for serial links between equipment from multiple vendors.
• Usernames must be configured at both ends of the HDLC serial link.
• The HDLC vendor type must be enabled on the Cisco router.
• There is a mismatch in the HDLC authentication password configurations.
21. Given the partial router configuration in the graphic, why does the workstation with the IP address fail to access the Internet? (Choose two.)
• The NAT inside interfaces are not configured properly.
• The NAT outside interface is not configured properly.
• The router is not properly configured to use the access control list for NAT.
• The NAT pool is not properly configured to use routable outside addresses.
• The access control list does not include the IP address to access the Internet.
22. The serial PPP link between the Left and Right routers is configured as shown in the diagram. Which configuration issue will prevent IP traffic from crossing this link?
• The passwords must be different for the CHAP authentication.
• The usernames are misconfigured.
• The clock rate must be 56000.
• The clock rate is configured on the wrong end of the link.
• The IP addresses must be on the same subnet.
• Interface serial 0/0 on Left must connect to interface serial 0/1 on Right.
23. What causes a DDR call to be placed?
• dial string
• idle time out
• interesting traffic
24. Which two layers of the OSI model are described by WAN standards?
• Application Layer, Physical Layer
• Data Link Layer, Physical Layer
• Data Link Layer, Transport Layer
• Physical Layer, Network Layer
25. A technician is testing RouterA in the graphic. What is the condition of the circuit?
• The routers are configured for different encapsulations.
• The clock rate is not properly configured on the routers.
• The circuit from WAN provider has failed.
• Authentication is not properly configured on the routers.
• The circuit is functioning properly.
26. A network administrator must provide WAN connectivity between a central office and three remote sites: Orlando, Atlanta, and Phoenix. The Orlando and Atlanta remote offices receive sales orders and transmit shipping confirmations to the Central office consistently throughout the day. The Phoenix remote office consists of one salesperson traveling through the southwest territory. The salesperson occasionally needs to connect to the Central office for e-mail access. How should the network administrator connect the remote sites to the Central office? (Choose two.)
• Connect to the Atlanta and Orlando remote offices with Frame Relay connections.
• Connect to the Atlanta and Orlando remote offices with ISDN connections.
• Connect to the Atlanta and Orlando remote offices with POTS dial-up connections.
• Connect to the Phoenix remote office with a Frame Relay connection.
• Connect to the Phoenix remote office with a POTS dial-up connection.
27. When a Frame Relay switch detects an excessive buildup of frames in its queue, which of the following may occur? (Choose two.)
• Frames with the DE bit set are dropped from the switch queue.
• Frames with the FECN and BECN bits set are dropped from the switch queue.
• Frames in excess of the CIR are not accepted by the switch.
• The switch sets the FECN bit on all frames it places on the congested link and sets the BECN bit on all frames it receives on the congested link.
• The switch sets the FECN bit on all frames it receives on the congested link and sets the BECN bit on all frames it places on the congested link.
28. A system administrator is troubleshooting a connectivity issue between two routers in a new installation. The administrator enters the debug ppp authentication command on the WHSE router. The graphic shows a part of the output received. From this output, what is the most likely cause of this connectivity issue?
• There is not a route to the remote router.
• The ISDN circuit on the remote router has failed.
• The username/password was not properly configured on the WHSE router.
• The remote router has a different authentication protocol configured.
29. What does the output of the show frame-relay map command shown below represent? (Choose two.)
• Serial 0 (up): ip dlci 122, dynamic, broadcast, status defined, active
• represents the IP address of the remote router.
• represents the IP address of the local serial interface.
• DLCI 122 represents the interface of the remote router.
• broadcast indicates that a dynamic routing protocol such as RIP v1 can send packets across this PVC.
• dynamic indicates that a dynamic routing protocol is enabled for this connection.
• active indicates that the ARP process is working.
30. What does the status inactive indicate in the output of the show frame-relay pvc command?
• The DLCI is programmed in the switch but is not usable.
• The DLCI was formerly programmed in the switch but is no longer there.
• The DLCI is usable but has little activity.
• The DLCI has been renamed for that PVC.
31. Which of the following IP addresses are defined by RFC 1918 as private addresses? (Choose three.)
32. After configuring a dialup ISDN circuit, a network associate begins testing the dialup connection. When attempting to ping a host on the remote network, the local router does not attempt to dial the remote access server. Which of the following are possible errors in this configuration? (Choose three.)
• PPP authentication is not properly configured.
• No dialer map is configured.
• The ISDN circuit connected to the remote access server is busy.
• No interesting traffic is defined.
• No route is determined to the remote network.
• A wrong number is configured in the dial string.
33. Two routers are connected through a Frame Relay, point-to-point PVC. The remote router is from a vendor other than Cisco. Which interface command is required to configure the link between the Cisco router and the other router?
• frame-relay pvc multipoint
• frame-relay pvc point-to-point
• encapsulation frame-relay cisco
• encapsulation frame-relay ietf
• frame-relay lmi-type ansi
34. Which circuit-switched WAN technology is often used to provide a backup for a leased line and additional capacity during peak usage times?
• X.25
• cable modem
35. After the ISDN BRI interface is configured, which command can be used to verify that the router is communicating correctly with the ISDN switch?
• show dialer
• show isdn status
• show interfaces bri0/0:1
• show interfaces serial0/0.1
36. A system administrator needs to configure the regional office with ISDN for DDR connections to three remote sites. Each remote site requires different IP subnets, different encapsulations, and different authentication methods. The sites will not be connected at the same time. The company would like to accomplish this in the most cost effective manner. What method can the system administrator use to accomplish this task using the fewest B channels?
• Install and configure a PRI.
• Install and configure a BRI interface with separate SPIDs for each remote site.
• Install and configure a BRI with multiple switch types in global configuration.
• Install and configure a BRI using dialer profiles.
• Install and configure a separate BRI for each remote site.
37. A system administrator must provide Internet connectivity for ten hosts in a small remote office. The ISP has assigned two public IP addresses to this remote office. How can the system administrator configure the router to provide Internet access to all ten users at the same time?
• Configure static NAT for all ten users.
• Configure dynamic NAT for ten users.
• Configure dynamic NAT with PAT.
• Configure DHCP and static NAT.
• What the administrator wants to do cannot be done.
38. Which of the following are characteristics of Frame Relay? (Choose two.)
• circuit-switched
• connection oriented
• OSI Layer 3
• packet-switched
• reliable
39. Which of the following is the order for the three phases of establishing a PPP serial link with authentication?
• authentication, link-establishment, network layer protocols
• authentication, network layer protocols, link-establishment
• network layer protocols, link-establishment, authentication
• network layer protocols, authentication, link-establishment
• link-establishment, authentication, network layer protocols
• link-establishment, network layer protocols, authentication

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Category 5

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